About Me

Finished my BSc in Computer Engineering at the Technion Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty, about to start my master's. 3 years' experience as software engineer part time. Interested in reinforcement learning and generally in machine learning.

Graduate Proejct - Robomaze

Long Term planning with Deep Reinforcement Learning

In this project we built a simulator for robots to navigate in a maze, and trained them to get from start to goal using motor control.
We used hierarchical agents to separate the long horizon problem to two tasks: walking and navigation.
Project partner: Dor Bitton


robomaze robomaze robomaze
Shmoot interpolation Shmoot interpolation

Fake Shmoot

Personal project, trained VAE on my cat

In this personal mini-project, I collected a set of images of my cat, some of them extracted automatically from videos. I trained a VAE (Variational Auto Encoder) with few additional vision tricks to try to generate new images and to interpolate through the latent space.
